Monday, April 23, 2012

Punished for Thinking a Point That My Punishment is in Error

I made a point in my thinking, and it was sensed what I thought.  I found out that things people acted like around me were inappropriate if even thought of around someone else.  That made me very mad because people have never respected me that much that I deserve.

My conclusion was that that person was wrong to act like I did something wrong when I couldn't help thinking what not to act like around her.  She could tell what I acted like.  That's the lady from the post 2 posts before this one.

My other conclusion is that this is Orlando and people here are goody-good but when it comes to punishment bad. They think disciplining others is their only "outlet."  I'm over and above that.  I only called someone the "n" word because they acted like they wanted me to, and now it's people other than them that act critical around me all the time because they can sense it and I even told them.  However, they weren't mad at me when I told them and seemed to agree it wasn't my fault in a way but still seem defensive to the people who wanted me to do it to them.

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