Sunday, April 29, 2012

I'm having fun!

I'll be on Twitter in sometime.

Website Edit: Heading on Picture

I added where I forgot to add that I lived in northeastern Florida on a picture.

Me Through the Years

Why do people want me to call someone the "n" word?

If people so wish I did by my own will call someone the "n" word, rather than them acting like they really want me to do it, that proves that the other people are guilty because that's what they wish happened.  Also, if the people on the other side wish that, as well, that proves that they did it, really did symbolically wish for me to do that.  I think it was more than just the subconscious.

Not Heartfelt

I can dictate to someone my best wishes, but people seem to think I'm not heartfelt.

Others's Problems

Why do people go blaming their racial problems on me?

Dealing With Things

I might not get what I want, but I know I'm right.  I don't think people should be mean to someone just because they used the "n" word.  They might have to to keep them from using it again.  People walk by me and think of racist things, though.  That's why I don't like Orlando in a lot of ways.  I just assume it makes them weaker as a person and they don't know what to do.

Just Because It's Me

I know people are mean to me just because it's me.

How does this [really] work?

Why should I pretend to be guilty for the sake of someone else?


People are violent around me because they can tell I am guilty of things but that are misunderstandings and awkward situations.  I did post about them in my blog but didn't feel like pinning them to my website.  I guess it's something that should pass.

Interesting Topic

I wonder if someone acted like they wanted me to call them the "n" word because I was going to.  I'm sure though I wouldn't have if I didn't think they wanted me to.  That's something lodged in my subconscious.

MySpace Update: I added a new magic thing that happened to me this morning.

It's #10 right now.

Forget It

You can't hope I wanted to call someone that and then make me suffer all the time for it.  I'm forgetting it!

Hello, People

I'm not the one who even wanted to use the "n" word.  I thought some other people wanted me to.

Getting Skinny

I wonder how people get skinny.

I'm guessing they keep buying salads.

It seems rich people have nice places to stay so spend a lot of time not gaining stress fat and feeling like they deserve a lot, whereas other people don't.  If you have something, it's yours to enjoy.  There are lots of ways to slim the bill, but I don't know how worthy I am of spouting that statement.  I had to give up a college career, which dones on my self-worth.  That means I have no options.  I can't get hired, neither, but I don't want to try right now.

I know there are lots of rich people who are at least partially obese, though.  They don't live in a perfect world.  Most of them probably are high business men with rigorous schedules and nights a the office, but who knows.

I guess people in show business and their families are doing what a normal person would like, getting nice things and expressing oneself to one's utmost.

MySpace Edit: I took down my race.

Mental Reaction

I find now I always have to react with something concrete, which actually is a curse word or something bad but otherwise not too bad.

Things That Enter the Realm of My Mind

I find that, if I don't want to curse but curse words keep entering my subconscious, it only comes hard like once a lot of times and then I forget it.  Sometimes, it pops up after something happens.  What doesn't work also is going around thinking about others, "You're NOT *beep*."  They know it comes up.  Sometimes, I don't think anything, and then "You're *beep*," comes up and I have to fix and say "not."  That's often a light onset.

Things only enter me at a somewhat shallow level.  I notice now for some reason it's actually quite thick and solid instead of more abstract and spacious.

5 New Pictures of Me


I deleted a post on my blog.

MySpace Edit

I added that I am part real Irish.

I edited my last post.

MySpace Edit: Race

I added the word "inventions" with a colon to designate the inventions of my ancestors under the race section.

MySpace Edit: Race

I took down a lot of stuff and added a detail about inventions.

MySpace: Edit

I added that Barber could also be Scottish.

I'll probably also take a shower.


Maybe, I'll have brunch and then maybe post on IMDb.


I guess I'll catch up on a TV show I try not to miss more than most.

Post Edit

In my last post, I changed "acceptable" to "accepting."

How to Go Through Setting the Standard

I can't believe to what extreme people find me guilty and punishable.

I wish someone didn't act so much like they wanted me to call them the "n" word.  I am accepting to the fact that some people grew up thinking it's literally what's right because it's a valuable word with none other like it.  People who are afraid of it have insecurities.  I wouldn't use it because it's not polite.  It's not really a risk.

MySpace Edit

I changed the 2nd mention of "Native American" to "Native American indian" like I did in the 1st mention.

How can somebody feel mad about doing something to others?

What makes someone get in a rage about something you did to someone else?  Is it when people use that person as a tool?

I added a link to my last post

for quintessence.


I absolutely hate it when anyone outside of my family tries to change it because it always goes wrong.

Superiority Complex

Why would someone say that something that's okay for you to do that they do bad is not okay for someone else and use them as a prop to say they are in a higher position then?


Why would someone who did something wrong before you did think they have an assertive control over you in a bad way?

Negative Suggestions

If more intelligent conversation is needed and all there is to talk about is negative things, why do people even think you have time to make new negative suggestions?

Something That's Not Okay

If something wasn't okay before and people happen to act mad at you for doing something you thought someone wanted you to do, does that mean it's still not okay?

Changes Things

If someone does something wrong to you and they happen to act mad at you for doing something you thought someone wanted you to do, is doing the same thing they did wrong before okay?

Emotional Feelings

I don't like people thinking you didn't will something fully for someone else when you know you did.  They think you need to go all perverted and show more emotioanl feelings.  That's not what emotional feelings are for.

MySpace Edit

I reordered and reformatted my race.

MySpace Edit

I numbered more of my information.

Star Interactions Website Edit

I edited that Johnny Depp said hi to me on Twitter and that Helena Bonham Carter followed me on Twitter was in 2011|2012 instead of being sure it was 2011.

MySpace Edit - I added Star Interactions.

It's around the middle bottom and in bold.

MySpace: Magical Things Edit

I added that the "Ghost Adventures" thing was during the day.


...I'm going to finish folding my laundry and watch the rest of 2 episodes of "The Ellen Degeneres Show."

MySpace Edit: I added a new thing to Magical Things That Have Happened to Me to the bottom of the About Me section.

It's number 9 right now and about the jogging at night.

I guess I forgot to add one magic thing.

I'm going to go finish watching the rest of 2 episodes of "The Ellen Degeneres Show."

MySpace Edit: I added Magical Things That Have Happened to Me to the bottom of the About Me section.

"The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" - Spoiler

Highlight to read: In The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, the older man believes that the youngest girl is telling the truth.  It's also because she always tells the truth, the 2 older kids say, and the other kid who says she is lying doesn't.

How to Deal With the Truth

It's funny when you find all evidence leading to the truth, like someone, who did something someone wanted them to that they didn't want to do because usually it isn't nice, is clearly innocent and you know for a fact that, other than the incident of someone else wanting them to do something, they are more in the right than someone else.

There's the thing where since, you shouldn't have done it, you shouldn't even justify that you didn't mean it and act like the other person is guilty for wanting you to do it.


It isn't polite to tell someone like me who tries to act European in America thatI'm not as much of a person from reality like supposedly Europe must be and not as European when it's clear I've always tried to just be very European.

On my part, there's only so much I can do.  I suppose part of it is that my mom isn't European.  I just don't have anything I can compete with.

Not Under Control

If something is private and you are convinced someone wanted you to do something through exchanging feelings, it seems that it really wasn't under control if it becomes a big deal later.

The Worst Thing That's Ever Happened to Me

was sleeping through trying for IMDb message boards profile 33333333.  :(  I am trying for 33443344 and 34343434.  I just wanted it to look like hearts.  I'm also interested in 44444444.

Website Update - MySpace - Middle Name and Confirmation Name

I added my middle name and confirmation name to the About Me section of About Me.

Off to Finish "The Ellen Degeneres Show!"

Website Update: Website of People

Website of People

I added pictures of Ellen Degeneres, Chloƫ Moretz, Alexa Vega, and Abigail Breslin.


I feel that people are justifying my worth to the peeves of others in order to pay the price.