Wednesday, May 9, 2012

New Photos of Me


My grandma called me a young kid.

My parents both came in separately and said hi to me again.

My dad told me how good my singing and watching my singing videos for about 24 hours was.  Well, I guess it's not quite that much, but I've been hanging around with a lot of this that long.  :)

Both my parents came in and said hi to me.

After like yelling at my grandma who was really trying to make me upset, by talking for a long time in a very low lowering voice, they said hi to me.

What I'm up to Tonight

I'll probably do something on the internet.

Anyway, I'm e-mailing now.  I'm at a blank.  I might blog about my frustrations.  Mainly, it seems to be about things getting ruined.

I think my grandma feels bad.

She tried to sound stern when she said goodbye.

If people mess with me too much, I will attack.  I know they can startle me and make me feel different sensations... for strange or no matching reasons?  Hm...  I dunno, I dunno ... where the path of guilt leads me on.  It does do things to me.  I think I'm fine.  If someone wants something, I care.  Like, some people think certain things of me that matter.  It's hard to get by like this.  I guess some things in this world just get done, and I'm not the one who starts them!!!  :)

I just got my tea.

We were gonna have tea together.

My grandma is so mean.

She made me not feel for the pointy bump in my nose!

She started talking so low I couldn't hear, so I yelled at her and hung up.

She always sounds liek


She called back.  Things were going so perfectly until this.  Now what?  My brother just got home, and I've been especially staying out of his way with my parents.  My dad like called me out and said he was just saying hi.  I told him my grandma got mad at me for not eating all day and staying in my room singing.  I told her I'd eat.  Oh well, things got better I guess.  She was cornering me with her values of eating.

I'm thinking of letting my brother eat alone with my parents.

I can eat the leftovers.  He's home just for school break, the summer vacation.  He's also gonna go some places, I think, and maybe work, dunno.

I guess I'll call my grandma again.

Preference Punishment

I would rather be called the "n" word than be molested.

I guess it could come out.  I don't want to be responsible for the person doing it feeling bad about doing it, though.  I guess they would think it was right because I was foolish enough to think a couple wanted me to call their daughter the "n" word online for fun.  I think it was just for in case I did because it seemed they were following me online and trying to make her be the epitome of all I am instead and in situation or something.  You know, it's like they have a feeling against me because of my race but don't want to admit it.  They even symbolically called me the "n" word for saying something a little awkward or impolite.  At least, I think that's what the message includes.

Things to Talk About

I don't like taking an opportunity of a bad situation, like giving it attention.  My life is set up to be pretty complicated.  There are lots of things to talk about.  I know people won't like to talk about my problems.

New Video|s of Me Singing


It took me awhile to get there.

I was behind the pack.

I guess I'm lucky.

I always lived in congruous places.

I'm just watching my videos again.

My grandma wasn't there.

I couldn't leave a message, neither, so she must be on the phone.  I probably won't go to sleep.

I deleted them.

I'm reloading them, again.

Some of my videos didn't load.

I have more to say.

I'm calling my grandma, though.

Oh, I understand now.

I'm packing my bags and leaving.

I guess it's good that I call my grandma.

She's really helped me grow as a person, but I thought it was also for her to make her feel special.  Sometimes, I anticipate it, but we click when we talk.  We talk every night and do a Bible reading and supplement.

It's really kinda because I thought the parents wanted that.

They acted like it.  Plus, it was on a friendly board with a few people who understood me and with a popular of my many accounts.  I deleted and regretted it, right away.  If I were feeling better, I wouldn't have done it.  I was already fed up with the racism online.  I wonder why suddenly everyone hates me if it was supposedly okay.  I wish I didn't listen.  I don't want to say they did it, neither, because that wouldn't be nice, but I think the father fesses up he did send that influence.  That's good the mother can be at peace, I hope.


It's clear I like being European.

She can't send a message of hate just to me.

The Good That Has Come of It

People think that things were so bad that something had to give.  Really, lots of people seem to like it.  They just don't like me.  I cared enough to wonder what the people I did it to were thinking and listened to what they said in the way they give a message.  I know they were worried I'd chose to do it, so told me to.  I think, like, it's like in the mental hospital when I think 2 African-American guys were fighting.  One called one the "n" word, and the fighting stopped.  I think this was the mother's idea.  She knew I stomped in front of a kid at the mall maybe and was worried someday we'd meet and I'd accidentally hurt her daughter.  So, she thought I had to get it out.  I don't agree with that.  Kids also aren't supposed to be rude and send you on a guilt trip.  This was before this happened, too.

It's easy to affect the mind of someone younger.

Don't do it.  Teach them to be strong 1st, instead.  I really had something going.

There is also the idea that I am very guilty of 1 thing and others, but the 1 thing that's big is that I thought a couple wanted me to call their 2-year-old daughter the "n" word online just to make it seem more fun.  I didn't want to, but that's what they wanted, it seemed.  I thought I was given a specific message.  Unfortunately, a lot of good has come of it, it seems, but I prefer that it didn't happen.

Thoughts are slowly disappearing from my mind.

I don't remember who started it.

Being Set Up to Lose Everything

People who don't want to be movie stars seem to get mad easily.  They think that they can set you up to lose everything you have.  I'm not really one to wait when I already know the answer, neither.

New Videos of Me Talking


2 New Photos of Me


I wonder if I'm annoying.

I don't need to wonder.

I've not always looked like the same person.

I guess I'm watching my video a few times.


I'm watching my new video of me singing Adele's song and will sing again now that I feel fresh.

1 New Video of Me Singing


Okay, I'm done with my shower!

Now to see how my video turned out.  I wonder if I'm too tired for supper.  I wonder when I'll go to sleep.

I might get mad if I don't take a shower.

Okay, bye!

I'm not worth following.

Clearly, I need some time alone.  I wonder if I should take a shower.  I have some new pajamas.  I didn't sleep all day, so I don't think I should go jogging.

I always knew, though I do something to impress people, that I'm not all that interesting.  I bet I would be if my life were in order.  Hey, I can post on my blog about that, but that's not fun to read.  I kinda wish I had something to read.  I can watch parts of "The Ellen Degeneres Show" online in my room.  I should figure out something to do on IMDb, like what kinds of things to post, too.  It seems I just need some time to recollect.  On the days I don't take psychiatric medicine, I tend not to sleep as much.  It doesn't feel good, though.  I wish I got online sooner or later because sooner I would not be quite as overly addicted all of a sudden now, and after I might have had my life together.  I didn't have as much hope for anything good to happen to me when I 1st started.


I wonder if I should start writing more in my blog and filming myself less and doing it in the bathroom where you can see me better or if getting 3 new light bulbs will help.  I guess I'll try with the 3 new light bulbs.  I need to get in better shape, too.  I'm asking my psychiatrist for a lighter dosage of medicine rather than how my dad and I decided I'd take this higher dosage every few days.  I might take it every day then, but ultimately I don't want to be on it.  I'm just doing it for my dad, at this point, and no one can force me to take it.

Ooh. 8|

That Adele video I did was disasterously bad.  Some of it was funny to me...  I'm gonna try recording it from further away...

1 New Video of Me Singing

I didn't even see it, yet.



Why do people want you to repeat something you thought or said by accident as though you meant to decide to say it to them?


I'm in my room.

They're making fun of Obama like for supporting gay marriage.


I just got over watching my videos.  :/

I was gonna sing a pop song, but ... don't they sound like classical songs a lot of times.  How about Adele?

What I'm Doing

I'm watching my videos, and, if I'm alone or the TV is free maybe, I'll watch "The Ellen Degeneres Show" at 3.

I'm uploading some new videos of me talking.

1 New Video of Me Singing


Re-Added Some Pictures of Me From a Long Time Ago

I re-added some pictures of me at age 11.

Good Points

Why do people think good points are punishable by death?  There's no reason to wait.  Some people don't have answers.  They might be the cause but not on purpose.

I always dreaded being famous.

I was worried I would end up following that path when I was a kid.  At one point, at around 9, I tried to make that decision, that there was not 1% of a doubt.

I feel better now.

I think I will do the video|s sometime soon.

Oh, I wanna record myself talking.

Something Special

People think that a balance in the middle is not very white.  They think if you are concerned you mustn't be white.  They already know and make that as the excuse.  They don't realize that they are closer to the other extreme than you are and that they are jealous of that extreme and that there are varieties of things that don't have to be aligned with any stereotype.


I notice that people of certain stereotypes, or at least one, follow the same rule.  It's funny I find it's a way to counter the opposite in them in "what" they say.

"What" I am is not the same.

Stereotyping a Culture

I guess people who move out of state early on or later tend to stereotype the 2nd culture.


I feel sore and like I need to go to bed.  There's something in my system.

From Florida

I don't really need people telling me what my thought process was.  That's not something we do in Florida ... because I'm from there now.

Making Me Do Things

People focus on doing something bad to me, making me react when they don't want me to and paying me back with a bad thought.

Focusing on Me

People have a hard time focusing on good things with me.

My Race

Why do bad things happen because of my race?


So, if you're out of line, you will get stimulated?

A Different Rendition?

Why do I get in trouble early on for being attractive?

Forced Into Experiences

I don't like the program people are putting me on.


So, if you knew right away that someone had a problem with something you thought, you could probably get out of it.


I try to hold onto the idea that sometimes things aren't all gay.



When I try to enjoy the present, things pop out from the past, even if I'm sorry.

2 New Vidoes of Me Posing

1 2

2 New Photos of Me


1 New Photo of Me


Oh, do you know ... where you're going to?..

Did you know people get mad when they find someone who is part Native American indian looks more white than someone who is part Jewish and the rest European?

I get the feeling people have given up on me.

1 New Video of Me Singing


Just Looking Into Things - or Trying To

So, I wonder what the reason was and why it happened.

Problems With Asians

I don't have any problems with superiority around the Chinese.


People think I need to be taught a lesson for getting thoughts and for feeling bad when bothered about nothing.  I don't like that people are affecting my thoughts.

1 New Video of Me Singing


This "Gift"

Am I just a fake stereotype?  That's like saying you're better at doing something without really doing it.


I don't like the way people's lives are based on petitioning against me thinking I don't have an all-knowing-ness of what's important as a human being.

A Stop

After I get over one thing, another happens.  For some reason, things seem about settled now.


Why are people so adamant about my attitude?  People do things to affect me.  Does that mean I need to be trained not to react, at all?  Am I defiant?  I guess not as much as before.  I think it depends on how I'm treated.

1 New Video of Me Singing


Musical Theater

If I'm able to go to college here, I'm doing musical theater.


Right now, I'm watching a video of some singing I just did.

New Video of Me Singing


I'll probably post on IMDb sometime.


I'm watching some stuff and doing laundry.  I have to sew my ballet slippers.  I wanna eat something.

3 New Photos of Me



People are fooled into thinking of what is right, but things get very boring and wrong in general.

Nothing Wrong

People act like there's nothing wrong.

Same Person

People just don't get I'm still the same person after a couple creatively had me listen to their fantasies to funly call their 2-year-old daughter the "n" word.  No one would care enough to get into that.  I know if I had a better lifestyle just a little bit more, I'd dismiss it as silly for good.

The New Orleans Area and Texas

People from the New Orleans area don't find Texas as shockingly good as I do, me being from both elsewhere, Florida, and the New Orleans area.

I rule over as superior.

It's better to let things going, obviously, than to tie them up the wrong way.

In a Bad Way

I don't believe in doing something when you question the past in a bad way.

People in Orlando are sick.

I was able to feel for my eyes the right way, but for some reason my head feels tall but more permanently than before.  I wonder if my brain is even that big because it's not really working.  It's not worked the same since I went overboard with doing too many things at 16, though those things weren't clubs like when I was 15.  I was also fasting and dieting.  I got fat after my aunt put me in the mental hospital.  I mean, I don't know.  I might have been a little fat before.  I ultimately got fat when I did 2 ballet programs in 1 place for exercise because they didn't do much other than things other than leaping.  I also got fat again after I was put in the mental hospital by the police for throwing things and screaming.  I was there a month.  It was neat getting out for the 1st time in awhile, but it wasn't good.  It's a place that doesn't have comfort.  You sit out in a room all day and do nothing.  I couldn't take it when I went back again once for a day.  I couldn't even sleep that time, though nothing really bad had happened to make it that way.  The time before was more okay though too long and was when I thought a couple wanted me to call their daughter the "n" word.  I didn't do that to her again.  I'm refraining from using bad words now, though.  People have been mean to me.  Things were okay at one point recently, too, but got worse again after the mental hospital for a day.  If I go back, my dad won't let me come home.

Quick to Judge

It's funny how people think of something and then act on it, trying to do what they saw someone else do.  It's too bad they feel bad about it.  I thought most people were able to look at the big picture.  Sometimes, it's hard to know what people want and what's right to do, but it's funny the way things work out in time.

3 New Photos of Me



If you're supposed to wait for something to get better, why would someone else make it worse?

I feel so bad.

Even after I thought a couple wanted me to call their 2-year-old daughter the "n" word, life could have been more together.  I think I've pulled through.  I feel like I've been pushed to think or feel some bad things.  I don't know where I went wrong.  I just reground myself.  I feel so worn from visiting those doctors last week, having to wake up every day to do something 6 days in a row, when I'm recovering on a sabbatical and have found some grounding in how I function online.  I know it's been 5 years, but still.  It seems like it's been longer.

I just saw someone singing the national anthem...

...for an ice hockey game I think where a boy was holding up signs on what the words were.  LOL!

Okay, it's time to watch "The Ellen Degeneres Show."

It's so cool!  For some reason, I like watching her...  It's fun posting to her on Twitter, too.  }:D

I'll be back.