Friday, May 4, 2012

I don't feel well.

I'm having a hard time sleeping.

I had a hard time sleeping this morning after the blood test.

I just have a restless feeling, though I've been exercising.

Good Night!

I may get up and blog, but ultimately I'm falling asleep.

1 New Photo of Me



I saw something flutter on its own like a moth a few times, and it was really sharp. When I looked, it was just little rocks. It was at the edge of a speaker. I was up at night singing.


I used to get into trouble for that when I moved from Florida at 12 to the New Orleans area.

Not only did I talk about not having friends, but I missed Florida.

So, yes, the whole time I was in the New Orleans area actually, I wanted to be in Florida.  When I moved back to Florida, I just missed my comfort from living in the New Orleans area.


It seems to me that people with issues have mixed backgrounds.  I don't know about the quality of the mix.

Why am I being punished?

I am not an animal.  I never tried to hurt anyone.  I wonder why I am considered so guilty all the time for not being all Caucasian.

The Big Lesson of the Day

It seems that the big lesson is to torture non-white people.

They advocate people from underprivileged backgrounds.

I was pretty good.

All in all, I was always never considered worse than my parents.  Ever since I thought someone wanted me to call them the "n" word, things have changed.


2012-05-04 - A.M. 2:48 - I saw something flutter on its own like a moth, but when I looked it was just little rocks. It was at the edge of a speaker. I was up at night singing.


I guess it depends on who starts 1st.

People say they are moral, but then you realize their situation is better for the idea already.  I can't believe some of the discrepancies that arise.  That just goes to show you.

2 New Photos of Me


About Watching My Singing Videos

I'm apprehensive to go back and watch my singing YouTube videos right now.

Not Lost in a Bad Fantasy

People act like I'm lost in some fantasy that I like to do something wrong.

Yay! New Feature on Google

You can search for pictures by date.

A Position You Aren't In

Why do people envision you in a position you aren't in?

Shouldn't Make Enemies

So, I was saving a picture and noticed my folder for Anne Frank and wondered who would say the Jews were the opposite of the Chinese.  I don't think Jews have big noses, and I don't think the Chinese traditionally are considered to have weak noses.

The Nice People

How does thinking everyone including that person wants you to do something traditionally wrong to them make you the one who's wrong and the others the one's who're right?  That's too bad because that happens to nice people.

Some things don't need to be talked about.

Being Overly Affected

How can people be affected by something they promote?

When People Say Certain Things

Why do people wait to be advertised to talk about something?

Being Grateful

Some people were not taught to be thankful, in general, nor influenced in the right way.  That still doesn't make sense, though.

Slashing Contrast of Personalities

Sometimes, people have a more slashing contrast of personalities.  I mean one person, though.

My World Was Okay

I mean, yes, my world was okay one time.

Curious and Concerned

I am curious and concerned about the 1 thing people dread because it sounds like the only thing I can do.

Something You Turn to at the Last Second

I guess, sometimes, there's only 1 way to turn.

Reep What You Sow

I guess you can take the benefits of what you have even if you feel confused in it.

It seems like a lot of people are setting up stereotypes.

That, or it's like just a way of being, a set of directions to follow, so that no one can really catch you doing it, at first.

Some people just insist on winning, even if they're mean to get there.

It catches on, and people aren't genuine and end up worshipping the wrong people.

It seems there is peer pressure and personal pressure.

Do you know about people who are totally set up to succeed?

Well, not me.  I guess, in some ways, I am, but there's always a give and take.  That's the difference with me I don't understand.

I will probably go to sleep.

I will probably go to sleep sometime soon.

My eye looks better in my new picture, but ...

... it still is pretty red.

Why poke fun at the Chinese who ...

... or just me because I look more white though I'm south Chinese but only half?

My Eyes

They keep watering.  I guess that's good.

New Photo of Me



I can't believe that anyone would admit that well something is too bad on account of themselves like it's logic and then give up like their life.

I just got my blood taken.

I got 4 bottles taken.  I just got it done on Monday, too, I think.

New Video of Me Singing


New Video of Me Singing


Another Surprise

So, I was supposed to get my contacts on Saturday, the real prescription ones.  I don't know why the ones I have now work.  Anyway, I thought one was stuck in my eye and went in, but it wasn't.  My right eye is still red.  My appointment is supposed to be postponed, but I don't know why.  I thought we had a good session.


I was watching a commercial and realized something.

People who don't know you well are harsher because with people you know well is time to relax.

Julie Andrews is on TV!

She's on "The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson."


I can iron but might not wash.  I have to fold the towels and there's something in the washing machine.  I'm not going to do that just yet, though.  I guess I'm postponing it because I've lost so much sleep and feel somewhat miserable.

How My Eye Is Getting Better

It's wet.  There's water sitting at the bottom, actually.

Aaaaaaaaah! A Cockroach!

And it's huuuuge!  No, I don't kill bugs for 2 reasons.

My Many Problems I Have Cultivated

I sometimes thought nasty things of others.  It's funny I don't know.  Words just pop up with people usually as I see them in real life, though.  I'm guessing, somehow, it goes away.

I haven't wanted to hurt myself, as much, lately.  I mean I haven't, neither.

I guess something else big for me is that people can tell what I do, like what I talk about that they've never seen nor heard.

to New Orleans


Titanic was the big thing.  Things then were getting pretty advanced, but they all fell after that when I moved to the New Orleans area.

I remember there was the big mall in Jacksonville where I lived once.  Now, the trash cans say thank you after you throw something in them.

So, I moved to the New Orleans area.  I didn't see the same kinds of clothes.  I was completely lost.

People there said, "ya'll," all the time, and I never did but like trying it out at home later once or twice.  I've used it online since but only for fun.

So, I did e-mail and some IM.  I didn't get into the internet.  I still held onto mourning losing the storyboard about penguins.  I just had to make the right move.  I wish I got into the program right away, though.  I mean, I was there and allowed.  I could already type pretty well, for some reason.

The reason I felt like dying was because the sensation was so different.  I don't know what it was in a way, but it was a heavy feeling.  I had a feeling of nothingness in a way, you know, like a black hole.

No one talked to me there.  Every night, I'd go home and talk about it with my dad.  I talked about it to my aunts.  I actually started calling them on my own for fun because they're so cool.  It was always the topic.  The people there talked to me when I would get in trouble for it and otherwise wouldn't.  That messed me up bad.  I had no friends.  Everyone there seemed disabled and like they were fat.  Sure, there were stellar people as I grew up.  It was interesting meeting people from other cities in the area.  I didn't really fit in in my city.  I'm glad I lived there.  It was sorta neat.  I've met people from New Orleans and went to college there.  I know it's a pretty advanced city.  I guess it was the boondocks that was different.  It might just have been the city I was in.  I think that's the lowest of the low.  I knew, in moving there, I would never be the same again.  I was impressed with the people in New Orleans, though.  I am beyond messed up.  I wonder if I will ever heal and when.  I'm not fat in the same way people from that area are.  I guess I'm not that messed up.  I did meet some neat people, but, thinking of it in order, means people with a special background.  I guess people there are very accepting.  They get very surprised by high class.  I lived there for 6 years.  I was 12-17.  I really took off at college in New Orleans.  I was there for 1 good solid year.  I had problems after that.  A hurricane did hit.  I had problems because I was taken out of my major of music education.  It disturbed me.  I feel useless and helpless and unaccomplished!  I mean in general.  I have to iron and do laundry.  I feel fat in the way people from there are fat.  I know I am accomplishing in thinking and posting to my blog, though.  I need to think.

The Place that Most Influenced and Shaped My Life

That's the oldest city in the U.S.  It's in northeast Florida.  Before we moved there, I started reading the Little House books.  When I lived there, I read some of American Girls.

So, I got to liking old-fashioned things a lot.  That was a coincidence that it was in the oldest city in the U.S.

I have lots of feelings on it.  I'm not sure if I'm ready to share it tonight.  *drools*

I felt pretty good a lot of the time, now that I look back.  There were so many possibilities in 1997.  It seems like it was the accumulation of the bringing back of the 80's.  Things have really gone on since then.  It's been a long time.

Things were so dreamy there then.  You sit in your house and think of the trees outside.  I'm thinking of sitting at a computer, but it's funny the computer wasn't as advanced I think at the age I was thinking of.

I was in children's school & church choir, and it was so dreamy to get to the church early and being in choir itself!

It was so dreamy to walk to the library there.  I even helped out my brother's pre-school class.  That was so much fun.

They build a 3D motion theater by our house downtown by the old buildings.  I think our house other than the one next to us was closest to the ball of the center of the city downtown.

I grew to like choir a lot.  I started before I moved there, but here we did more advanced singing.  I also learned piano, and everyone was happy to have me learn it.  I visited my aunts and grandma and played for them.  I had a keyboard, at first.  I was so excited when I came home from my 1st piano lesson to find a huge keyboard.

I was still into art at that time.  I also grew up doing gymnastics and some ballet.  So, I had a little of everything.  I didn't like the ballet where I lived before, so when we moved this time I quit gymnastics to leave my schedule open for ballet.  The music did help a lot.

I liked wearing boots when I was there.  Starting in like 1996, I wore those boots that come up to your ankles.  I liked wearing dresses and skirts, as well.



Kids should each be raised differently.  I mean, if one kid has something else going for them, then let them at it!!!

Things Affect Americans

I just have to realize something to have it affect me.  I find that Americans are easily affected especially, with their track history|record.

People Making Me Do Stuff

Ever since I claimed someone made me do something wrong and that the person I did it to wanted me to do it, people have been "making" me do stuff.

Death to Life

If part of you dies, that doesn't mean it can't be brought back to life form.


Things like loud noises make you die a little, but usually you recover.

Another Reason I'm Part Blind

The tears get in the way of my red eye, too.

I need to forget about other people.

I can't let them change me and who I am.

I love to laugh! Ha ha ha ha!

I laughed so hard at supper today.

Sensations and Abilities

I guess a sensation is a sensation.

An ability is an ability.

10 New Photos of Me



My right eye hurts on the inside when I blink, and there's this like fog over things I look at when I look a certain way.  It's a very clear fog.  I can see pretty clearly, though.  It seems it's going to go away with the redness.  It's like, when I blink, it takes longer for my eyelid to open.