Friday, May 4, 2012

The Place that Most Influenced and Shaped My Life

That's the oldest city in the U.S.  It's in northeast Florida.  Before we moved there, I started reading the Little House books.  When I lived there, I read some of American Girls.

So, I got to liking old-fashioned things a lot.  That was a coincidence that it was in the oldest city in the U.S.

I have lots of feelings on it.  I'm not sure if I'm ready to share it tonight.  *drools*

I felt pretty good a lot of the time, now that I look back.  There were so many possibilities in 1997.  It seems like it was the accumulation of the bringing back of the 80's.  Things have really gone on since then.  It's been a long time.

Things were so dreamy there then.  You sit in your house and think of the trees outside.  I'm thinking of sitting at a computer, but it's funny the computer wasn't as advanced I think at the age I was thinking of.

I was in children's school & church choir, and it was so dreamy to get to the church early and being in choir itself!

It was so dreamy to walk to the library there.  I even helped out my brother's pre-school class.  That was so much fun.

They build a 3D motion theater by our house downtown by the old buildings.  I think our house other than the one next to us was closest to the ball of the center of the city downtown.

I grew to like choir a lot.  I started before I moved there, but here we did more advanced singing.  I also learned piano, and everyone was happy to have me learn it.  I visited my aunts and grandma and played for them.  I had a keyboard, at first.  I was so excited when I came home from my 1st piano lesson to find a huge keyboard.

I was still into art at that time.  I also grew up doing gymnastics and some ballet.  So, I had a little of everything.  I didn't like the ballet where I lived before, so when we moved this time I quit gymnastics to leave my schedule open for ballet.  The music did help a lot.

I liked wearing boots when I was there.  Starting in like 1996, I wore those boots that come up to your ankles.  I liked wearing dresses and skirts, as well.


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