Saturday, May 12, 2012

Well, I'll be around doing stuff.

I guess they still need to wash.

It's time to fold the towels!

I went through my Twitter homepage but didn't find anything to comment on.

Scary people.  Doesn't make sense.

I'm tired of people bringing this up with me.

They keep thinking of how I thought a couple wanted me to call their 2-year-old daughter the "n" word online.  Most people understand.

Twitter is bad.

No one can see who posts to you but you, sometimes, depending on how many responses there are.  Like Blogger, there is no calendar of events of commentary.

It's time to fold the towels.

All in all, I can be glad how things have come about.

Some people have lost respect for me.

People need to stop testing others to be mean to me just because they knew I thought a couple wanted me to call their 2-year-old daughter the "n" word online, though I deleted it and it was not with my main account.  Only a few people who understand me probably saw.  It looked like the girl thought it would be funny, too, the 2-year-old daughter I mean.


IMDb is an okay site.  A lot of people haven't found out about it.  I see so many profiles get signed up for and nobody using them.  Like all of them.  I've only come across like 1 as I checked out different numbers that was being used.

I was looking for celebrities to follow on Twitter, and I guess I found Christina Aguilera.  A lot of them have suspended profiles.  I wonder if some people find it awkward if you answer them on Twitter.  A lot of people on Twitter don't go on much, neither.  I could understand, but I know there are famous people who enjoy getting on every day.  That's something I don't understand.  Of course, Twitter isn't set up in the most convenient way possible.  I encourage all famous people to move to Blogger.  Comments are enabled.

People are making mistakes with me.

Because of their own weaknesses.  They can't think the way things are.

So, I guess Twitter was quiet.

I guess it's the weekend.  I'm gonna be bored for the next 3 months because I guess I'll be giving my brother time with my parents.  I guess I'll have less opportunities to go to the store and stuff.

I found some people I knew on Twitter, but I didn't follow them.  I don't think they use it, anyway.  I'm kinda into Twitter now, for some reason.  I was just sorta using it on the side to answer child stars, etc.  I didn't care if they answered.  They don't.  Well, I've had some interaction.  I mean, I don't care if they read it.  It seems like they do, though.

It's interesting it's quiet.  I was supposed to go somewhere today.  I wonder what I'll do tomorrow.  Same ole same ole.  It's so boring being stuck with past friends who just don't talk to you.  So many people are exaggerating qualities of themselves that make them seem a bit loony.  I guess I'll have to stick to IMDb.

If other people have done something already, and it's okay... is it earth-shattering for you to do it but in a different way, a different play on the literal?



I guess that...

...some people really know what they're doing.

All along, I've blamed Orlando for my problems.  I literally was knocked out.

I thought people weren't supposed to suggest new things to me.

He he he.

It's too bad... a way my old friends feel no need to talk to me.  We can talk again and taper off later!

I'm getting stronger and more immune to bad suggestions.

I had a good day alone.

Needless to say.

People should stop thinking I'm in trouble in the 1st place.

I don't know what I'm probing.

I know people like to be strict, but I'm not the kind of person who's done a lot wrong.  I thought I already went through explaining some things without response.  I guess people just like to celebrate the glory they can in order to foil themselves.

It just doesn't stop.

People are extra-harsh on me.

People are mean to me, too, with their suggestions, though it's like following suit.  People don't respect me.  They're the ones who ruin things.

Do you believe in...

...comfort with punishment?  I usually look at all sides of the issue at hand.

I didn't even feel like having tea with my family.

I didn't take another shower this morning.

Sometimes, there is no good alternate answer.

Earlier Pictures

I've lost earlier pictures of me when posting online.  I mean I deleted them because I thought I'd get more like that.

I don't know if I should have waited at the time.

I wish I was more sensible.  I didn't think hard enough into not switching accounts as I learned.  I've grown attracted to using my real name.

Postponing and Being Excited About Online

It seems my excitement carried me over into forgiveness for not having posted sooner online at all.

My Brother

It's interesting to watch someone who moved when they were 7 1|2.  He still seemed like he was about 5 but seemed 7 upon moving.  Then, he moved a little into his 1st year of high school because of a hurricane.  I can imagine what it's like not to move until you're 12 because I lived in southeastern and northeastern Florida until then and have never moved back.

People start out disorganized.

The goal is to organize what's important, and you will get your reward, in Heaven.  Bad things can still happen to people like me who want to live.


People need to come to a swift decision as to what they expect of others, set the benchmark and say if they keep it it's okay as an agreement.

It is my notion that people come to an agreement.

At least, I'm staying out of trouble.

That's what counts.


I like doing the chores and stuff.  I guess I just need some rest.

I don't live for pity.

I live for popularity.

Wow, people totally forgot everything.

Nothing seems to matter, anymore.  That doesn't make sense.

Why do people hone in on me for using curse words on the internet?

And said things about people at home and in obscure places?

I grew up not cursing and by gauging what I say about others. I just had a little fun, nothing serious. I told you I thought the couple wanted me to call their 2-year-old daughter the "n" word online.

Like, I would say maybe, "that f-ing ..." or something along those lines.

I get this strange feeling it's already 2013.

2012 is approaching being half over.

I really feel I'm being told not to call my grandma.

For some reason, I haven't been doing chores as much lately, neither.  I used to not because I was always in my room.


It's interesting it seems there's no reason to like someone because of having something in common.

I feel strange.

It feels like I'm not supposed to call my grandma.  I am a bit tired for a 45-minute talk.  Sometimes, you really do need a break.  I am just wondering if I'll start being awake more and still call.

Tim Burton & Johnny Depp

For some reason, I like seeing Tim Burton, but I'm kinda shying away from them since Tim Burton not putting as many videos up of him as interviews.  This was like 2 years ago.

It's the weekend.

She probably thinks I'm busy again, tonight, anyway, at the movies, like she said I would be last night.

It's not because of me.

I have the feeling my grandma doesn't want to talk to me now.

It seems

people want me to stop and rest.  I wonder if they saw my temper escalate or if it's because my brother is moderating the environment now home from college.


I am starting to feel more like going to bed on time.


People of high standards always seem to want to get low in dirty in reality and not in what would seem like the normal desire.

I just don't know...

...if I should keep calling my grandma every day or not.  I am kinda tired.  I shouldn't wake myself up now.

That's too bad...

...some people have a default way of functioning against you.  That doesn't make sense.  That's racist.

I mean she said herself I may be busy!

It just seems like now is the time to take a stand.

If I don't feel like talking to my grandma, it seems I should just not call.  For awhile, I wasn't even talking to her, at all.

Doing a Real One

People in Florida are so fake.

I mean, you can't just say that things have to stay the same when there are problems.  Life isn't that simple, even in Florida.


No one should give up their lives for being a stereotype of their generation.  That's only a guide map.

I don't know why people find pleasure and joy in finding I'm in trouble.

It was all a misunderstanding.


People aren't flexible with me getting any attention.

Even if it's dangerous...

...I thought the couple wanted me to call their 2-year-old daughter the "n" word online, it's more dangerous to spread the rumor.  I didn't really have problems when no one knew.  I mean, I could have.  Still, I thought it was wanted.  It doesn't seem anyone should admit that, though.

I was eager to get on.

Everyone from up north seemed to think I should get on early on.


Because Tim Burton and Johnny Depp have families is why I regret posting about them, though I can still see it's the right thing to do.

Everyday Life

People seem to give up their lives in order for the ones they love.  Bad things still happen.

I can imagine taking care of a family, but I'd see it in a more crude way.

I've lost over 5 years of my life to this nonsense.

Sure, it's improved, but it's not like I couldn't figure it out, in the end.

Out of Character

It's in the genes of some people to wipe out your memory, somehow, and do things, instead of you, like they don't have their own identity...


I don't like the way people are testy that you be in a rush to get famous, like they're not going to improve.

I was always considered a cut above the average.

Why try to test and tear me down now?  The parents are already okay with it.  Why try to convince them otherwise?  It's not going to happen, again.  I wouldn't mind being called the "n" word.  However, the truth is that it would make the person calling me that feel bad, even if I did it on purpose to them 1st.

I also notice...

...that the people care more about and are nicer to the little girl than, in ways, they ever were to me.

It seems this is the fault of people who were mean to me in school.

People don't need to criticize me about it.

I thought they wanted it as an exception!

I do feel so bad about it and did right away and deleted it, since I could.

I thought they thought it was funny.  I think it was done so it wouldn't happen by accident and be all my fault.  That's not normal, though.  Who does that?  Whose idea was this?  It seemed unnecessary.

I guess people randomly feel like punishing me.

I honestly think it's a fetish.  It's because I thought a couple and others wanted me to call the couple's 2-year-old daughter the "n" word on the internet.  I wish they had it together, like figured that's what happened, rather than try to test if I'm guilty for a few years, lingering on it as punishment to make the little girl feel better.  I don't think I'd have done it, though, if I didn't feel like I got a sign to do something weird like that.  1st, they did send my a symbol that I was the "n" word, which seems as good as saying it.  I got a weird feeling I wasn't welcome as a fan of the father, and, for some reason, it felt like I had to ask why the girlfriend was with him if she had brown hair.  The father seems to be for the "American dream" of blonde hair for the girls.  Also, the girlfriend is part Jewish, which I found cool, and I'm part Chinese-Indonesian.  That was very unnecessary and done for fun.  I'm not in total trouble, but it's like I can't focus sometimes and can't make a point.

I'm ba-ack.

Now, what should my new Photobucket username be?

I just woke up awhile ago.

I'm gonna go eat, now.

My Videos

Hooray!  It might be time to get a new account ... though I could transfer my blog, though I have a feeling I don't have to.  I like starting over, and I just do if I get a new account, often.

I'm yawning.

Anyway, my videos seem kinda lame.  I liked the ones from the night before, better.

Now that my brother's home, I guess I'll be spending more time alone in my room.  Normally, I'd be sleeping now, in this case, too.

Who'd care about me, online?  I used to be interesting, more.  Now, I'm not, in a way.  The proper thing for me to do would be to eventually fall asleep and, then, go jogging, though I feel too sluggish to attain that end.

If I could, I would go back to sleep.

I feel somewhat fulfilled online.  I was just up.  I was thinking my alarm would work.  Maybe, I can catch up on "The Secret Circle" or watch videos with Viggo Mortensen in them.  Oh yea, I wanted to watch Grease.

Alarm Clock

I just sent my dad an e-mail to get me an alarm clock.  I ran out of money getting the vampire costume.

I had a feeling it was for my brother, alone.

Oh no!

My cell alarm didn't wake me up again.  I was supposed to go out for Mother's Day with my family for lunch!

If I fall asleep...

...I'm loading 2 more videos of me singing.


But I did it.

It was really hard for me as a baby

to look younger than my parents.

I thought it was really set up.

I mean how parents are of an older generation, not the same generation.

Are kids today with younger parents crazy?

Are people with older parents more old-fashioned.

Less modern.

Me as a Baby

I think I got in trouble in that picture of me holding my hand out.  That was what I was talking about earlier tonight.  Ugh.  I'm a bit tired|sore.

New Video of Me Singing


Aw, time to take off my vampire costume.

I'm gonna pick an outfit for tomorrow and take a shower|bath.

I'm not sure when I'll be back, but I want to sing.

So, as far as guilt goes, my day was a little flawed, though I still got through.  I think things will be better, tomorrow.  I just have to deal with it.

I think me taking a shower and getting ready and doing more singing and talking on video will make me feel better.  Sometimes, I wonder who all is watching this.  I watch it.  It's probably too much for the average onlooker.  It's probably overwhelming to find I did it.  I know that I get better each time I do it, though.  I saw my singing was getting better.  I kinda just want to sit and watch what I did already and maybe not record so much this time.  Sometimes, it's fun to sing a lot.  The talking gets tedious from me for some reason.  I haven't been talking as much lately.  It might have used to have been better, not sure.

I guess I just have to be ready tomorrow.

I regret how the days haven't gone perfectly, for different reasons, but for some reason I'm still holding on.

Okay, I'm gonna go take a shower.


I'm settled about parents's ages.  I guess you just think of it in a different way at some points, though essentially things should be the same.  I am a little concerned about having an older mother, I guess, though.  It seems like people with a more older mother than otherwise possible often have to go through something else.  I'm guessing they feel more or aren't afraid to feel things and feel them the right way, though people with young moms are probably pretty polished and spick-and-span.

Norwegian Day

So you don't get confused with the party dates if you want to know and look it up, I'll just tell you it's highlight May 17th.

Parents's Ages

I can see little things people with parents of different ages can change for the better that is an aspect of me.

Look what I just found.

I was wondering if Vikings drink a lot.

It could kill you!

I edited this post.

Older Parents

Thinking of my parents as older would make me feel like I'm part of a program for kids.  It's because of how developed they are, yet that kids are kids, basically.  With younger parents, you feel more like a baby and not a part of some complicated program where you think a lot instead of live.  I don't know if people with younger parents really live, in a funny way I think.  I'm sure they do.  I think it just depends on the parents.  It's not fun to turn off because your parents aren't old-fashioned with those roots.  It's sad to see the kids of yesterday grow up and not really live.  At least, that's how I feel.

Hllary Duff's Parents's Ages

Father: 2010 - 64 = 1945|1946 - now 65|66 - had her at age 42|43
Mother: 2010 - 57 = 1952|1953 - now 58|59 - had her at age 35|36

That's the perfect age to have kids!  :)

Hillary Duff's Parents's Ages

Father: 2010 - 64 = 1945|1946 - now 65|66
Mother: 2010 - 57 = 1952|1953 - now 58|59

Hillary Duff's Parents's Ages

Father: 2010 - 64 = 1945|1946
Mother: 2010 - 57 = 1952|1953

I'm watching her on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show."

I was right!

Hillary Duff's parents are, in a way, about the age I thought they were.

For some reason, I didn't withdraw.

I failed 2 semesters at my 1st college, but, 5 years later, they granted me withdrawals.  They didn't give me withdrawals, at first, because the rules were different and I think some of the people there were different.

I came home from college in 2006.

I did a short course in the area in later 2006, and I did college online in 2007 but quit withdrew early on in my 2nd semester.  I failed the 1st semester because I didn't feel well and took a lot of courses.

2005 was a big year for me.

I miss 2004.  It's just the way things were.

These babies would be 7 now.

Where did all the skinny, perfect babies go?

I remember seeing babies that looked like people.  They looked like young babies.  Actually, come to think of it, I think I only saw one of them, but who knows.  They were so smooth and intelligent.  It was a girl.  So, I don't know if I've seen the likeness, otherwise.  I've seen some beautiful young girls and gentlemen.  It's hard to remember.  They seem to have, like, a slimy layer of fat, though.  I mean, I know we all have fat, but it's just this certain look that used to exist.  What happened to all these people?  Have they retreated to their homes?  I can imagine all the beautiful people out there who are not famous and who I've never met, not having seen many active profiles, online.

When I Lived in a New Orleans Suburb

Here's a picture of one of the people there visiting with people int he city I lived in.

Apparently, at least 2 of the people in blue shirts are foreign volunteers to the city.

You can click on the picture to make it big: article

Here are more: picture picture adult at my high school plus lived in Eastern Texas prior supposedly this person picture.

Something else to note is that the Saints won the Superbowl 2 times ago, but they stopped having dance teams at that, too.

Here are people from Orlando: 1 2 3.

Here's me coming home to just moving to Orlando because of a hurricane in the New Orleans area from going to college at the top of the county in the mid east: picture.

As Long as Things Aren't as Bad as They Are Now, for Me

Why do people think being bad is cool?

They think it shows that the world can be diverse in feelings for others so they don't go crazy and to foil them.

Bad Things

They were bad things, but I never said anything too bad to someone's face, like cursing at someone I don't know well.  I don't do those things, anymore.  Sometimes, people like to say bad things.  It's too bad I had the inkling to.  I know I was set up by those who "punish" me.  People treat me funnily, and I had a hard time trying to finish college and didn't.  I'm stuck at year 1.


I got the feeling to say something awkward 5-10 times, and, though everyone knows I don't do things like that, they don't seem to understand.  Ever since I was a baby, people could tell I was not perfect.  Things weren't as cute in the 80s for people like me.

The 1st Time I Felt

I think I was in trouble when I was a baby.  I used to be able to do things without feeling anything, I know.  I guess my mom is like that.  My dad made me feel something, like kind of warm and tired, when he held me because of how I acted.  I didn't like it.  I guess, since then, I've felt things.

Something else, I think my hair started getting darker after this one day taking pictures of me at the playground when it was blonde at the ends.  It seems my eyes turned brown when I was 4 and it looked good.

It makes me curious how others's lives are put together.

I regret my attitude... my last YouTube|s.

I hate it when I have to do a real one.

Because people think I can't make a point because I thought a couple wanted me to call their daughter the "n" word online and I also felt pushed by other people to do it.

Well, I'm gonna do something else, first.

Anyway, see you later.

I'm gonna eat and watch "The Ellen DeGeneres Show," now, I think.

So, shoot me.

Do you want to know something that became very suggestive to me when I was very young?

She's trying to be like everyone else.

I kinda want a new blog.


...I can't use the same e-mail address on a new account!  So, I might get all new accounts, though, if I want, I can transfer my blog.

I'll be doing stuff, like...

...I'm making some food and setting up new accounts.

Younger People

People who are about 13-18 right now seem to be made to feel better just because of their age and their parents's ages.

Doing Some Stuff