Monday, May 7, 2012


Not really, but I felt wanter inside my eyes.

How could anyone really know what I did wrong?  I'm guessing I'm punished, but I'm too old to be affected by that.  I can be affected, though, and I am.

I guess it's already in place who I am.  I guess it would affect someone to know what I'm doing and feel they'd do the same thing.  I think a lot of people feel that.  Most people aren't nice about it then, though.  I just had to learn the hard way.

I suppose it would be tacky not to go on to something else.  So, what led up to this disrespect?  Okay, okay.  So, I came back to Orlando from college in New Orleans sometimes, having moved because of the hurricane.  I went to Sea World, and I saw this cute sting ray bite another one that could have attacked it.  From then on, I started attacking with bad words in a funny way that fit in.  For some reason, I got into trouble.  I spent money my parents gave me.  That's what really started it.  Then, one thing led to another.  Then, there's this, that, and the other thing.  I hit the wall, I mean not bad but once.  I don't remember if that was before or after, but probably before, I thought Johnny Depp wanted to be called "stupid."  He just acted like it.  I didn't want to but got mad and thought he was racist.  No one saw, though.  I posted it on a board I made for him, and it showed no visitors.  What harm is that?  It's wrong I did it.  Anyway, other than things like that, I seem to have forgotten all I've done.  That sting ray is probably dead now.  It was so cute.  I've lost a lot of opportunities online.  College is a bit scary now that I think of all the ghosts I'm seeing.  I wish I just stayed home now.

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